
16 Signs You Have The Best Boyfriend EVER!

By- Shreya Sharma

Perfect boyfriends are only in movies or novels and do not exists in real life. Consider yourself lucky if you feel that you have the perfect boyfriend, or there could be chances that he is playing on your big time. Well, do not doubt him and check if he matches these signs to prove as the best boyfriend ever. Here are 16 signs you have the best boyfriend ever.

  1. You can trust him blindly

You both trust each other and this makes him the best boyfriend. He is a loving person and you get jealous of the girls who try to hit on him, but you know he is yours and no one can ever take him away from you.


  1. He tries to make your dreams come true

He is the best boyfriend if he tries to make all your dreams and wishes come true. Drop him a hint about the movie you want to watch or the concert you want to attend and he will be there to surprise you.

  1. He is your fan

He is the first one to congratulate you and celebrate your achievements. He will make you feel special and deliver this good news to all your friends. Even when you are going through a tough time, he will try his best to cheer you up.

  1. He takes care of you when you are sick

He knows details about your health. He knows all the medicines you need to take when you are unwell. He will take care of you even when he is not around you. He tries to cheer you up when you have a bad day.


  1. He stays in touch

He will never shy away from texting or calling you or dropping a ‘good night’ or ‘good morning’ text. He will call you to know if you reach home safe even if he is with his friends. He will ask you if you had your meal. He will tell you about how much he misses you.

  1. He understands you

He understands you when it is hard for you to make time for him out of your busy work schedule. He tries to help you and motivates you to be a better person. He makes you want to work hard and supports you.

  1. He is your protector

Whenever someone tries to harm you or hurt your feelings, he becomes your shield and protects you from all odds.


  1. He appreciates your efforts

You love to do things for him and he acknowledges and appreciates the slightest of your efforts. He is genuinely grateful for your efforts and tells you how much he loved your surprise or the food you cooked for him. When he looks at you, you feel you are the most beautiful girl.

  1. Arguments help you bond

Arguments are a part of the relationship. Your fights do not turn unhealthy that can harm your bond. Your conflicts push you into a deeper conversation which strengthens your bond.

  1. He means it when he says ‘I Love You’

He loves to profess his love for you every now and then and his actions are enough to show his love for you. He cuddles and kisses you when you feel you are worthless. He holds your hand when you are sad and takes you to your favorite restaurant to make you happy.


  1. He shares his dreams with you

He shares all his dreams and hopes with you. He has told you about his dream house, his dream job, the course he wants to enroll in and the places he wants to visit with you. He shows you are an important part of his life.

  1. He makes you feel like a better person

When you are with him, you feel you are the best person in the world. He tries to bring the best version of you in every relationship. He has helped you become more awesome and amazing.

  1. He wants a happily ever after with you

He dreams of his future with you. He wants to marry you. He wants to do anything to keep you in his life.  He might have even discussed the name of your children.


  1. He gets along with your family

He puts his best behavior when he is with your family and you know no one can reject him. You mom, dad and siblings like him because he tries to befriend them. He somehow fits perfectly in your family.

  1. He makes you want to love him more

You are extremely happy with him, and what is more important is that you feel contented. You are aware of the flaws in your relationship; you know that it can never be perfect. You both love each other to the moon and back, and that is all that matters.

  1. He makes you feel safe

He is there to make sure that you are safe. He will either accompany you when you are on your way back to home late at night or he will make sure that your cab drops you safely.


Source –  Giphy, Tumblr

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