
7 Signs You’ve Reached The Peak Of Comfort Level With Your Partner!

By- Shreya Sharma

When we begin a relationship, we try to be the best version of ourselves. Both parties really step up their game when it comes to looking their best and maintaining a high level of cleanliness, while keeping your sometimes gross habits completely hidden. Then comes a time when we are way too comfortable with our partner that we need not to hide the grossest things from him. We present you the signs that you have reached the peak of comfort level with your partner.

  1. Shaving your legs is a choice not a requirement

There is no demanding need to shave your legs. You both are comfortable the way you are. You need not to be waxed 24*7.

  1. You fart in front of each other

Initially, you had your eye brows raised at this situation but now you both have reached that level of comfort where it bothers you the least.

  1. Period talks

Being a girl, we are not that much comfortable discussing our period issues and stories with anybody. We prefer sharing it with our best friend or sister. But if you become comfortable sharing it with your man then certainly you have reached the peak of comfort zone with him.

  1. You pee with the door wide open

This situation takes place after a long time as you won’t be pee-ing with door open in front of your one month old boyfriend. You’ve opened not just the bathroom door, but a big door to being comfortable with one another, so much so that their tinkles and streams are acceptable.

  1. Morning breath does not bother

Earlier it used to be your routine to brushing your teeth, mouthwash gurgle and checking your breath every now and then. Now, you have surpassed that stage. The morning kiss is a must, even when lingering bad breath may be present.

  1. Kiss in cough and cold

Other person’s sickness does not stop you from showering your kisses on them. The couple who has developed a level of lovey dovey sickness comfort, may believe they are immune to the other’s germs. Or they may even purposely want to share the germs so they can become bonded even further.

  1. Wearing pajamas or un-attractive undies

You have grown past the stage where you wanted everything to be perfect as in wearing your baby-doll dress or matching sexy undies. Now, it does not bother you anymore to wear matching panties or wear your sexiest nighty.

Source : giphy, tumblr

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