
10 Early Signs That You Are In Love With Him!

By- Shreya Sharma

We all have been through the stage where we are in love and we do not know it. Sometimes love just happens and you do not even realize. Love grows over time and you just one day realize that you love this person way too much. It comes as a surprise to us. The best love stories start out simple and grow with time. Here are 10 early signs that you are in love with them. And here starts your new romance.

  1. You say NO to others

When you are single, you go on various dates but when you find that one person, you do not wish to date other people. If you go out on date with someone else, you find it boring and uncomfortable and you call it off early. Your heart is already taken and you do not feel that connection with someone else now.


  1. You feel comfortable with them

You feel super comfortable with them after sometime. You are not awkward anymore and you could talk for hours, get to know each other and hang out with one another. It shows that you both can be yourself with one another.

  1. You fumble up while talking with them initially

This situation goes away after a while. When you feel attracted towards someone, you act weird and fumble up. You may either be very quiet and shy or you may just speak things you would not have said otherwise. Or you may face the situation where you just do not know when to stop.

  1. You do specific thing to see how they react

This happens when you work together or attend the same class. You may notice him accompanying you to lunch and things seem really great. The next day you act like you do not care to see if they will ask you to join again or not.

moving eyes

  1. You prefer spending your time with them rather than anyone else

You are with your friends and suddenly gets a text from them that they are free and if you too are free, then you can hang up together. If you call them to accompany you or go to the place they are at, then you are in love.

  1. You really care for them

If you still remember what he told you on the first day you met and you still care about that thing, then you are in love. If you question the things he told you initially, then it means you have developed feelings for him.

  1. You care a lot about how you look

If you never ever cared about how you look and have suddenly started grooming yourself and started caring about little things in your look, then you are in love. You may start wearing less faded shirts or visiting salon regularly.


  1. You text or call them a lot

It’s been quite some time that you are constantly texting each other. You may be busy and you may not be in a relationship, but if it is still growing like this, then you are in love.

  1. You have new hobbies or routine

Being in love does not mean giving up on who you are. When you are in love, you pick up some of his hobbies. It could be a new show, a new hobby or anything.

  1. It was easy for you to open up with them

That person makes you feel safe and capable of opening up about things you may not share about with someone else. Whether it’s your insecurities, doubts, or life history, they’ll know.

talking together

Source – Giphy

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