
Is It Love Or Lust? 9 Ways You Can Tell The Difference!

By- Shreya Sharma

You see a guy and your heart flutters, you think it to be love at first but your friends argue that you cannot love someone without knowing them, this is just physical attraction. The rush of feelings you get when you see him is just lust. You are left in utter confusion about what this adrenaline rush. Here are the ways you can tell the difference between love and lust.

  1. If you want to know everything about him, the past, the good, the bad, their childhood then it is LOVE. If you want to know what he looks like then it is LUST.


  1. If you cannot wait to tell him your day at work, then it is LOVE. If you just want to try the new things you read in sex tip articles, it is LUST.
  1. If you are willing to meet his family and attend his family functions because he asked you to accompany you, then it is LOVE. If you prefer to avoid all his family arrangements, it is LUST.


  1. If your parents know about him, it is LOVE. If they have no clue as if this person even exists, it is LUST.
  1. If you talk over phone on texts and calls, it is LOVE. If your conversations are only about “your place or mine”, then it is LUST.


  1. If you try to avoid fighting whenever possible and talk about your issues, it is LOVE. If you don’t mind having huge screaming matches, it is LUST.
  1. If he is the only person that comes into your mind about going out with, then it is LOVE. If stop after the show or outing just because of adrenaline rush and your want for quickie, it is LUST.


  1. If you can genuinely see him as the father of your future children, it is LOVE. If the thought of having his baby makes you chuckle and shake your head before you swallow your birth control pill, it is LUST.
  1. If cuddling after sex is fun, it is LOVE. If it is just get in and get out kind of things, it is LUST.


Source –  Tumblr

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